vertical urbanicity
2024 w/ David Freeland
in collaboration with Nash Guyre
spring semester @ SCI-Arc

This studio examines the relationship between architecture and the metropolis, deepening students’ understanding of the ways in which buildings can both contribute to, and be informed by, the existing fabric and its culture. To live and to build in the city is to participate in all its complexities. Yet, to densify the city ethically is one of the most difficult challenges of our time. Rather than continuing the modernist notion rooted in the fantasy of the tabula rasa, the studio will look at an urbanism that adapts to the city and augments it. This requires a radical shift from either pure subtraction or pure addition to a more strategic surgical transformation of existing building stocks. Extending the life span of existing buildings is the first step in this process.
©JONYjonathan guirguis2025